Holiday Orphans

'Tis the season!  First, let me say for a Buddhist country, Phnom Penh *really* likes Christmas decor.  It's one of the funnier aspects of celebrating Western holidays here--there are Santa suits and Christmas trees galore in the shops.  In one store, walking in was an assault on the senses--just all the dancing Santas, blinking lights,... Continue Reading →

My first Khmer wedding!

When I heard that one of my Khmer coworkers was going to be married in May, it never occurred to me that I would be invited.  But later that week to my surprise, he hand-delivered invitations to the whole office, and thus I was able to cross yet another thing off of my Cambodia bucket... Continue Reading →

Take It or Leave It: #1

A major reason why I love to travel is because it brings into relief the things I take for granted.  Two weeks in, I have seen a number of things that have made me either nod in appreciation or scratch my head. To that end, I'm starting a mini-series, Take It or Leave It, as... Continue Reading →

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