Home Improvements

It's been officially a year since Bestie and I moved into our place, and after a month of looking around for a marginally better spot, we decided that the benefits of staying outweighed the costs of moving--both in terms of money and in terms of some of the sacrifices we might make in location, landlord,... Continue Reading →

Mini-Post: My students kick butt!

As part of my Post-Conflict Societies class, their "mid-term" was actually running a simulation on Reconstruction.  The idea was to ram home the fact that peace-building and reconstruction are actually quite complex and outside aid is not always able to get everything done.  I was nervous about running it because what if it didn't come... Continue Reading →

Holiday Orphans

'Tis the season!  First, let me say for a Buddhist country, Phnom Penh *really* likes Christmas decor.  It's one of the funnier aspects of celebrating Western holidays here--there are Santa suits and Christmas trees galore in the shops.  In one store, walking in was an assault on the senses--just all the dancing Santas, blinking lights,... Continue Reading →

Good Morning, Teacher!

In mid-October and early November, I started working at two different Universities as a lecturer.  It's been been a great experience, but it was a challenge to keep up with my lessons and my other activities, hence the massive delay in my update.  I don't get a proper break for the Christian holidays because well,... Continue Reading →

Escape to Vietnam!

I have now been in Cambodia for 10 months! During that time, I traveled a little bit within the country—Siem Reap, Battambang, Sihanoukville—but had never crossed the border.  The month-long prep leading up to a week-long premiere of the DynamoVerse events (gameshow on Monday, storytelling on Tuesday and Wednesday, trivia on Wednesday and Friday) and... Continue Reading →

Behind the Scenes of DynamoVerse

With a couple of events behind me, I can give a little more detail about what exactly I’ve been doing with Dynamoverse, specifically the gameshow and storytelling. First off, I will start by stating the obvious: planning an event "from soup to nuts” is really challenging.  I’ve never really considered myself a strong planner.  People... Continue Reading →

“What do you do?”

“What do you do?” This question has been a source of discomfort for me for the past five years.  When I was getting my Masters and Doctorate, I was able to happily say, “I’m a grad student…” and then add more information if the person was interested.  Once I decided to enter the workforce full-time,... Continue Reading →

A journey in women’s health care

Ok, folks.  Things are about to get real personal.  Nothing crazy, but gonna be talking about some lady stuff. Be cool, ok? Before I left for Cambodia, I went to the doctor to get a full medical work-up, including the necessary shots, bloodwork, and eye prescriptions.  After some thought, I decided to also get an... Continue Reading →

Weekend Away: Out with a Battambang!

With Summer in full swing, expats are taking trips left and right to get away from the craziness and pollution of Phnom Penh.  Given my new funemployment situation I thought at first that it wouldn't be prudent for me to spend money on a trip.  As I reflected on it more, though, I felt like... Continue Reading →

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